SGA Baltic Student Chapter at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) hosted a half-day workshop on November 21st, 2019. The workshop was sponsored by Boliden, LKAB, and the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU), and the event had nearly 70 participants which included industry, students, academia, and survey representatives. With the unique theme of Scandinavian Exploration Geology Applied to Younger Terrains, the Baltic Student Chapter welcomed four guest-speakers who presented on the theme. The speakers included Nils Jansson and Tobias Bauer from LTU, Stefan Luth from the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU), and Marcello Imaña, chief consultant at Scandic Peruana Minerals. The day was filled with educating lectures, coffee and snacks, and a post-workshop networking event where students and industry intermingled. SGA Baltic Student Chapter thanks our sponsors and all the people who participated!