Fieldtrip through Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal deposits of Northern Greece
(September 2018)
SGA Baltic Student Chapter organized a field trip to several ore deposits of the Balkan Peninsula and focusing on those related to Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal activity. Joined by the students of the AUTh SEG Student Chapter and guided by Christos Stergiou (PhD candidate), we visited Vathi Cu-Au porphyry system located in the Kilkis ore District of the Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic province in northern Greece. The main host rock is a trachydacite porphyry while the ore and the hydrothermal alteration is attributed to the intrusion of a subvolcanic quartz-monzonite stock. We had an opportunity to become familiar with hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages in this area, mainly potassic and propylitic, extensively overprinted by sericitic alteration. One of the highlights was a characteristic phreatomagmatic breccia outcrop, consisting of angular fragments of the trachydacite porphyry and of the basement metamorphic rocks cemented by clays, white mica and quartz. The Vathi porphyry-style mineralization is exceptionally enriched in U and REEs, and overall exhibits an unusual geochemical character. Next, guided by Vaggelis Skoupras (MSc student) we visited one of the most important area of stibnite mineralization in Greece - the shear zone hosted Rizana deposit which also is situated in the Kilkis ore district.
During the second day in the field, under the supervision of Christos Stergiou, the group headed to the Maronia Cu-Mo-Re-Au porphyry mineralization and skarn aureole of the Maronia pluton. Porphyry system, which exhibits a typical alteration and metal zonation, is spectacularly outcropping at the seashore. The group saw the sodic-potassic and propylitic alteration with associated A- and B-type quartz stockworks, and the sericitic and argillic hydrothermal alteration zones related to D-type veins. One of the most interesting features of porphyry occurrences in northeastern Greece (including Maronia) is the presence of molybdenite with the highest Re contents yet reported from a porphyry-type deposit (up to 4.7 wt % Re). On the hills near to the ruins of ancient city of Ismara, the group saw a skarn (with nice specimens of grossular and vesuvianite) formed along the contact between the Maronia pluton and the surrounding marbles.
Our last destination in Greece was the Perama Hill, high-sulfidation Au-Ag-Te-Se epithermal system on the eastern margin of the Petrota graben. Participants of the trip have an opportunity to observe the silicic alteration of the Perama sandstones at the Perama Hill with gold-bearing goethite, barite veins and breccias (a high sulfidation-type enargite-bearing ore assemblage).
On the way back to Poland, the group also stopped in two additional localities. First one was a dumps near Krushev Dol Mine near Madan (Bulgaria). This ore district is one of the best manifestations of vein type Pb-Zn mineralization in the world, famous for excellent specimens of galena and sphalerite. Second stop was in Brad town (Romania) to explore gold museum (Muzeul Aurului Brad), unique in Europe and containing a truly remarkable collection of native gold specimens.
This trip wouldn't be possible without the help of Prof. Vasilios Melfos and the AUTh SEG Student Chapter and we are especially grateful to Eftychia Petika (AUTh SEG SC President), Christos Stergiou and Vaggelis Skoupras for their invaluable help and guidance. We all would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the SGA which helped us organize this excursion.
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10th annual meeting of the SGA Baltic Student Chapter - Oulu 2018
(May 2018)
In 2018, Oulu University hosted the Annual Meeting of the SGA Baltic Student Chapter. We started on May 2nd, with a lecture about mineralization in layered mafic intrusions by Dr. Shenghong Yang, then Prof. Eero Hanski described Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in northern Fennoscandia Shield and at the end Dr Tobias Bauer gave a talk about structural controls on ore deposits in northern Sweden. In the meantime, he also had a videoconference with Dr. Nils Jansson who talked about EXplORE - new joint Master program focused on mineral exploration. On May 3rd, we visited mini pilot processing plant at the Oulu Mining School. Next two days we spend in Rovaniemi, where Mawson and Arctic Platinum - CD Capital kindly hosted us and introduced to their projects: Rompas-Rajapalot and Penikat & Suhanko respectively. We are extremly grateful to Thomas Dols who organized the meeting and put a lot of effort and heart to make it a sucessful event. Kiitos to lecturers, Mawson and CD Capital staff as well as students in Oulu - you rock! We would also like to thank SGA - without their generous support we couldn't organize such event.
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1st My SEG Europe - Meeting of Young Scientists on Economic Geology in Europe
Three Chapter members from Poland attended the conference held in Leoben, Austria. Each of them gave a short talk and the meeting ended with a field trip to the Kraubath ultramafic massif and to the place with a spectacular view at the Erzberg iron mine.
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We have a pleasure to invite all of SGA Student Chapter members to the 10th Annual Baltic Student Chapter Meeting in Oulu.
During the meeting we will discuss SGA chapter recent and future activities. We've also planned a number of lectures and an excursion to visit some exploration project in the Rovaniemi region.
For more information and flyer - please visit the tab: BCS 2018 meeting at the right top corner of this page or clik HERE
Geochemistry short course with dr. Schlatter is on sunday!
We have a pleasure to invite all of the SGA Baltic Student Chapter members to the 9th Annual Baltic Student Chapter Meeting in Kraków.
During the meeting we will discuss SGA chapter recent and future activities. We've also planned an exploration geochemistry shortcourse and visit to underground Cu-Ag mine (Kupfershiefer).
For more information - please visit the tab: BCS 2017 meeting at the right top corner of this page or clik HERE
The 8th Annual Baltic Student Chapter Meeting
From 16th to 20th of May 2016, the 8th annual meeting of the SGA Baltic Student Chapter was held at the Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu in Finland. 25 students took a part in the meeting. The program of the meeting included student’s presentations at the university, visit to the mini-pilot concentrator facility, excursion to the underground Cr-mine in the city of Kemi and to the bonanza grade Au-U Rompas prospect in the municipality of Ylitornio. Thanks to Jukka-Pekka Ranta for organizing such a great meeting this year!
Geological Excursion Through Ore Deposits in Czech Republic
By SGA Baltic Chapter with SGA Student Chapter Prague
From 29th of April till 2nd of May a group of SGA Baltic Student Chapter members in collaboration with SGA Student Chapter Prague organized and attended the excursion through the Czech Republic mineral deposits of Bohemian Massif and Erzgebirge Mountains (Czech: “Krušné hory”). The program of the meeting included a fieldtrip to Mokrsko gold deposit, old uranium mine Jáchymov, sightseeing Prague as well as a fieldtrip to several outcrops located within Erzgebirge mountains.
On 19th and 20th of March we had a great pleasure to host Benedikt Steiner who gave us a nice short course in mineral exploration geochemistry. Topics covered basics of geochemical prospecting, analytical geochemistry, QAQC and Interpretation of geochemical datasets using trace element associations. The course extended our knowledge with practical advices and gathered 57 people.
Short course in Mineral Exploration Geochemistry
Delivered by Benedikt Steiner
Venue: Room 301a, Building A0, AGH Krakow
Date: 19-20 March 2016, Start: 09.00
Registration deadline: 15.03.2016
Limited number of participants! 80 places!
Exploration geochemistry has played a significant role in the discovery of a large number of economic mineral deposits and is traditionally considered to be – in conjunction with other geophysical and geological methods – a cost and time-efficient exploration tool to “see” through overburden.
In the past decade multi-element trace geochemical analyses have become affordable to commercial explorers. The use of trace element geochemistry has since then advanced considerably and provides the modern explorer nowadays with an extremely valuable tool to explore under cover.
This 2-day short course in exploration geochemistry is designed to provide professionals and graduate students with both a refresher in geochemical prospecting methods and advanced knowledge in interpreting multi-element geochemical datasets to aid the mapping of mineral systems and regional geology.
Benedikt Steiner is a graduate from the University of Tübingen, Germany, (BSc) and from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College (MSci).
Benedikt started his career at Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd. where he was involved in regional
exploration targeting in the Eastern Former Soviet Union.
He then went on to work for several years on Rio Tinto Exploration’s projects in Namibia and Zambia where he
developed a strong interest in target generation and testing using an array of geophysical and geochemical techniques.
Topics covered:
• Basics of geochemical prospecting
• Analytical Geochemistry & QAQC
• Interpretation of geochemical datasets using trace element associations
FEE (printed workshop materials included):
30 zl – SGA memebers
50 zl – students and recent graduated
200 zl – industry
Registration and contact: Filip Zych -
Student Chapter Prague 11.10.2015 at the AGH
We had a great pleasure to welcome 19 members of the SGA Student Chapter Prague on 11th October at the AGH University in the Krakow, where they got presentation about most important Polish mineral deposits. Later discussion took place.
This meeting was a short stop in their tour through Poland: they visit old deposits and shafts in Sudety Mt, historical Wieliczka salt mine and active Pomorzany Zn-Pb and Polkowice-Sieroszowice Cu mines.
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Field course in Fennoscandian bedrock geology, Sweden and Finland 3-9.09.2015
10 students from SGA together with students from the University of TurkuRubided and Abo Akademi, Finland participated in course about Fennoscandian bedrock geology, which was held in Sweden and Finland and were divided into 3 parts. First 3 days were connected with bedrock mapping exercises in the Nautanen area, 10 km north-east from Gällivare, Norrbotten county, Sweden. 7th and 8th of September were days with lectures sponsored by the SGA about “Ore deposits of Northern Fennoscandia” and “3/4D-modelling of ore deposits and districts” presented at Luleĺ University of Technology. On 9th group attended post-seminar excursion through the Peräpohja Belt in Finland.
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13th Biennial Meeting SGA, Nancy, France 24-27.08.2015
Eight abstracts have been submitted by SGA Baltic Chapter members to the 13th Biennial Meeting SGA that took part in Nancy. We have presented our research results at the poster session. During the congress we had opportunity to take part in workshops, ice breaker party, oral and poster presentations and special meeting with students form other SGA Chapters from the whole World.
We appreciate financial support from the SGA that has enabled our participation in this event.
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The list with our contributions:
Kolodziejczyk J., Prsek J.: Incorporation of trace elements into sphalerite. Case study from Pb-Zn mineralizations in Vardar Zone, Kosovo
Ozóg M., Pieczonka J., Piestrzynski A.: The new occurrence of chromite with PGM inclusions in the Central Vardar Zone (Kosovo area) – preliminary study
T.Cwiertnia, J.Pieczonka, W.Zygo: Base metals, geochemical exploration in arid environment, south Mongolia.
Czapla D., Prsek J.: Sb-Au hydrothermal mineral system of the Vyšná Boca (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
Kampmann, T.C., Stephens, M.B., Ripa, M., Hellström, F.A.: Timing of magmatism and mineralisation at Falun, a major base metal sulphide deposit in the Fennoscandian Shield, Sweden.
Sarlus, Z., Bauer, T.E., Tavakoli, S., Wanhainen, C., Nordin, R., Andersson, J.: Geochemistry of ultramafic-mafic units related to Fe-, Cu-, and Au deposits in the Gällivare region, northern Norrbotten, Sweden.
Nanna Rosing-Schow, Jochen Kolb, Leon Bagas: Flake graphite mineralization in Palaeoproterozoic rocks of South-East Greenland
Ranta, J-P., Hanski, E., Cook, N.: Petrography and mineral geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Rajapalot Au mineralization, Peräpohja Belt, northern Finland
Baltic Student Chapter Annual Meeting, Sweden 11-15.05.2015
7th annual meeting of SGA Student Chapter took place at the Luleĺ University of Technology involving 32 students from Sweden, Poland and Finland. The meeting schedule comprised of 2-days field trip to New Boliden mining company in the Skellefteĺ district (polymetallic, mainly Zn, Cu, Pb, Au, Ag deposits), connected with visit to the concentrator plant, drilling site, Hötjärn tailings pond, Rönnskär copper smelter and what is more hunting for gold at the Björkdal open pit mine. 4th day of the meeting was devoted to lecture in gemstones introduced by Doctor Olof Martinsson, students presentations and field trip to the Rĺneĺ pegmatites, known for up to 50 cm black tourmalines (shorl), garnets, beryls and rare Nb- and Ta- rich minerals. On last day lecture in geometallurgy was given by Mehdi Parian and later on group participate in tour to the LTU’s mineral processing laboratory guided by Anders Sand. What is worth to mention, during the meeting members from each country were obliged to prepare some traditional food and entertainment to give a taste of their culture. Task was challenging and was fulfilled successfully despite all adversities.
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Short Course about Drilling Methods in Mineral Exploration by Benedikt Steiner 11-12.04.2015
2-days course gather more than 20 students interested in drilling methods used in mineral exploration. Training was leaded by Benedict Steiner, from Rio Tinto Exploration, who present great lectures as well as gave us some practical advices about working as exploration geologist considering logistical, organizational topics. What is more, course encloses group exercises, which improved and applied information previously learnt.
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We invite our Chapter members from Krakow to take part in the Short Course about Drilling Methods in Mineral Exploration by Benedikt Steiner. The event will take place during the weekend 11-12 April 2015 and is dedicated to students from the Department of Economic Geology at the AGH University of Science and Technology.
Please fill in the following form to register:
“Orogenic gold and potentially similar-looking gold deposits” by Pasi Eilu 27.11.2014
Doctor Pasi Eilu expert from Geological Survey of Finland leaded the lecture about detailed features of orogenic gold deposits and deposits that may look similarly: IOCG, intrusion-related gold, porphyry and epithermal. Descriptions were backed multiple examples of worldwide occurring orogenic gold deposits and a discussion.
Baltic Student Chapter Annual Meeting, Poland 24-28.11.2014
Baltic Student Chapter Annual meeting held this year at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. Event began with field trip leaded by Wladyslaw Zygo and Tomasz Cwiertnia to Cu-Au Polkowice-Sieroszowice mine (KGHM Polska Miedz SA), located in east-southern part of country. In following days microprobe workshop leaded by Professor Adam Piestrzynski, seminar session with presenters: Tobias Kampmann, Krzysztof Getinger, Krzysztof Foltyn, Fangfang Guo, Shenghong Yang, Katharina Wortberg, as well as course about gold deposits presented by Doctor Pasi Eilu took place. Joanna Kolodziejczyk, President of Baltic Student Chapter lead discussion about most important chapter organizational issues and summarized activity of last years. Event ended a trip to historical “Wieliczka” Salt Mine and sighseeing through the old city.
SGA Student Chapter meeting in Krakow, Nov. 2014, first circular now available!
First circular
Registration formular
Meeting poster
Abstract template
A new council has been elected for this 2014/2015 year!
Congratulations to new president of the Chapter - Joanna Kolodziejczyk, new vice-president - Tobias Kampmann and new treasurer - Fangfang Guo.
Please find new application form for new members here: application form
We would like to welcome you all to participate in Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting in Oulu, Finland, (provisional date) 4th - 6th November, 2013 and continue our trip through north.
The Meeting will be held at the University of Oulu (Faculty of Science, Department of Geology). This meeting will cover lectures concerning mining and ore deposits of northern Fennoscandian and Scandinavia and seminars. We also will continue our visits to mines up here in the north: a trip to Kemi mine, Chromium deposit, and to Pyhäsalmi mine, Europe's deepest Zinc-Copper mine, are planned be included in the meeting.
Please find information here: Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting, Oulu
Registration form (DEADLINE TODAY! - 30th September): registration form
12th Biennial meeting of SGA will be held in Uppsala! 12-15 August 2013.
More information in here:
Uppsala meeting www
Check out few pictures from "Ore Deposits of Northern Scandinavia", Lulea, Sweden 2012 in GALLERY!
Results of 2012 elections!
All the best in New Year 2013!
In last election a new council of SGA Student Baltic Chapter has been elected.
Thank you for voting.
President of the chapter - Friedrike Minz (Lulea, Sweden)
deputy of President - Tomasz Ćwiertnia (Kraków, Polska)
Treasurer - Władysław Zygo (Kraków, Polska)
Ore Deposits of Northern Scandinavia
Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting in Sweden
First Circular - download
Registration formular - download
Ore Deposits of northern Scandinavia
On the 14th of March 2012 at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland took place highly successful SGA promotional meeting, organized by the Baltic Student Chapter SGA. Presentation of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits and the students Chapters were performed by Baltic Student Chapters members: Marta Sośnicka, Karolina Kielczyk, Agnieszka Bagnicka and Andrzej Lis. The event was attended by SGA BSC's supervisors.
We would like to thank you for such high attendance at the SGA information event.
We warmly encourage to join the Baltic Student Chapter SGA!!!
SGA Students Baltic Chapter Meeting in December, Kraków 2011
In December 6-9, 2011 Polish student members of SGA organized the Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting that was held in Cracow at the AGH University of Science and Technology. It included pre-session and post-session field trips, participation in the SGA Scientific Session, and sightseeing Cracow, the old capital of Poland. The topic of the Meeting was: Ore deposits.
In the Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting participated 17 members: 6 students from Lulea University of Technology in Sweden (Anders Zettergren, Lisa Andersson, Evelina Eriksson, Sanna Naalisvaara, Andreas Karlsson, Friederike Minz), 1 student from University of Turku in Finland (Mira Valkama) and 9 students of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland (Marta Sośnicka, Władysław Zygo, Ireneusz Królewicz, Karolina Kielczyk, Andrzej Lis, Gabriela Kozub, Tomasz Ćwiertnia, Arkadiusz Piotrowski, Maatla Letsholo, Agnieszka Bagnicka).
During the SGA Scientific Session at the AGH University of Science and Technology several issues related to the ore deposits were presented. The official language of the SGA Session was English.
The abstracts of Baltic Student Chapter Meeting SGA 2011 in Kraków are included in Abstract Volume in printed version.
Topics of the oral presentations performed during the SGA Session are listed below:
Mira Valkama
Metal anomalies in soil, water and berries around polymetallic quartz veins in the Sarvlaxviken area, Southeast Finland
Maatla Letsholo
Comparison of the copper deposit of part of NW Botswana with the Polish Kurperschiefer-type deposit
Marta Sośnicka
Difficulties in fluid inclusion study of metamorphosed banded iron ore (Krivoy Rog)
Anders Zettergren
Ore deposits in Sweden
Arkadiusz Piotrowski
Prospecting for gold in NW Laos. Golden business?
Friederike Minz
The Rockliden Prospect
Ireneusz Królewicz
Prospects of mineral deposits in Eastern Mongolia
Andrzej Lis
Mineralogical analysis of pan concentrates from Bayankhongor zone in Mongolia
Karolina Kielczyk
Analysis of the placer ore deposit from Tarasówka, Ukraine
Tomasz Ćwiertnia
Review of exploration program in Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia
During the SGA Session the scientific committee (Prof. Adam Piestrzyński, dr inż. Jadwiga Pieczonka, dr hab. Jaroslav Prsek) awarded the best presentations: among PhD students: Tomasz Ćwiertnia and Mira Valkama and among Masters students: Maatla Letsholo, Anders Zettergren and Arkadiusz Piotrowski.
The participants had also the opportunity to take part in a planar lecture given by Prof. Adam Piestrzyński. The topic of this lecture was associated with Polish Cu-Ag deposit, the ore mineralization and genesis.
The SGA Scienfitic Session was announced and guided by Marta Sośnicka.
The event organizing committee: Marta Sośnicka, Gabriela Kozub, Władysław Zygo, Tomasz Ćwiertnia, Karolina Kielczyk, Andrzej Lis and Agnieszka Bagnicka.
Participants of the Baltic Student Chapter SGA Meeting SGA 2011: Marta Sośnicka, Gabriela Kozub, Władysław Zygo, Tomasz Ćwiertnia, Karolina Kielczyk, Andrzej Lis, Agnieszka Bagnicka, Ireneusz Królewicz, Arkadiusz Piotrowski, Anders Zettergren, Andreas Karlsson, Evelina Eriksson, Lisa Andersson, Sanna Naalisvaara, Friederike Minz, Mira Valkama and Maatla Letsholo.
During the Baltic Student Chapter Meeting in December 2011 there were organized two fieldtrips sponsored by SGA: to Sieroszowice Cu-Ag mine and Pomorzany Zn-Pb mine.
The trip to Sieroszowice Cu-Ag mine attended all of our foreign guests and Polish students. SGA members have been visiting the underground mine for about 4 hours. The exploitation front was shown and also the chamber in overlaying huge salt beds (Fig. 3). The tour was guided by local geologists (salt chamber) and a foreman.
In the trip to Pomorzany Zn-Pb mine took part also all of foreign guests and Polish students (Fig. 4). The tour was guided in English by the main geologist Włodzimierz Cieślik.
The trips improved the experience and knowledge about the deposits not found in mother countries of invited chapters members. Polish members of the SGA were involved in supporting foreign guests in understanding of Polish deposits.
Students Baltic Chapter Meeting, December, Kraków 2011
SGA Field trip: "Ore deposits of the CZ/PL border", October 2011.
Baltic Chapter excursion started with a meeting with members of Chapter
Prague at Ostrava University. Main attraction during first day was sightseing
of Landek_Anselm Mine in Ostrava coal region.
Program for next to days was very intensive
and diversified.
I will only briefly outline visited localities:
-Zloty Stok - gold mineralization, underground mine tour,
-Vidnava - kaolin quarry, amber locality
-Černá Voda u Zulové quarry - Mo mineralisation in granites
-Korálové Jámy - alpine vein mineralisation
-Zlaté Hory mining region - Zebračka excavation, Au mineralization
-Zlatý Chlum u Jeseníku - gold mineralization, garnet in micaschist
-Dlouhé Stráně - water pumping power plant
-Hraběsice Krásné - amphibolite quarry, Alpine mineralisation
-Bludov/Nový Lom - "bludovite" locality (erlan - wollastonite, garnet)
On the end I would like to thank all organizers from Chapter Prague for invitation.
This meeting was really worth to come :)
M.Sc. Eng. Ireneusz Królewicz
CZ/PL fieldtrip gallery
Baltic Students Chapter SGA meeting, Kraków, December 2011
We would like to invite everybody to participate in Baltic Students Chapter - Ore Deposits 2011 meeting. Meeting will be held in Kraków
at AGH-University of Science and Technology. There is a pre-session field trip to Polish Kupferschiefer Cu-Ag deposit. Students session will be held at University.
Post-field trip is planned after meeting to MVT Zn-Pb deposit (Olkusz-Pomorzany underground mine).
First circular
Registration formular
Abstract Template
SGA meeting poster
SGA students conference, Prague 2011
"Mineral resources for the society" conference was held by SGA students chapter in Prague on 15-19/04/2011.
Over 40 participants from Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Turkey and Russia took a part in lectories held by Prof. Pär Weihed (Sweden), Dr. Jiří Zachariás (Charles University in Prague), Prof. Bernd Lehmann (Technical University of Clausthal, Germany) and Dr. Peter Koděra (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia) and students presentations.
Two field trips to Příbram and Jáchymov mine-sites were organised. Pictures - soon in gallery!
New President Marta Sosnicka
On the 6th of May 2010 the election of new President of the Baltic Student Chapter SGA was announced by the Secretary. By-election was necessary due to the current President resignation. Five candidates of the Chapter were nominated for this function.
Shortcourse on Gold and Nickel Deposits
Venue: Department of Geology, University of Oulu, Finland
Date: 26-28 April 2010 (Monday-Wednesday)
Presenters: - Prof. David Groves, University of Western Australia, Perth
- Prof.WolfgangMaier, University of Oulu, Finland
The course covers genetic models, tectonic setting, and exploration criteria and is designed.
Programme:- Day 1: Ni deposits (W Maier)
- Day 2: Orogenic gold deposits (D Groves)
- Day 3: IOCG deposits (D Groves)
Registration fees (including course notes, lunch, andmorning and afternoon
coffee for 3 days)
Industry / geological survey / academics: 300 ! , Students: 40 !
Contact and
Janne Hokka
SGA baltic chapter meeting 2010
Dear SGA student members,
We are planning a Baltic Student Chapter spring meeting in Finland around 23.-29.4.2010. Program includes a short course in university of Oulu (topic: Orogenic gold, IOCG, Nickel deposits) and a post-course field trip.
Janne Hokka
SGA baltic chapter meeting 2009
Polish student members of SGA have the honor of inviting you to participate in the Meeting and Fieldtrips of the "Student Chapter Baltic SGA Meeting" to be held in Cracow, Poland, December 8-12, 2009. The Meeting will be held at the AGH-University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland.
Marta Sosnicka